Delhi pollution: Dos and Don'ts to help you stay safe
What's the story
The ever worsening air quality in the national capital is no mystery.
Right after Diwali, the air quality in Delhi further deteriorated and slipped into the dreaded "very poor" category.
And now, with the winter season coming up, smog (a mix of fog and polluted smoke) will make things even worse for Delhiites.
Here are some dos and don'ts to help you stay safe.
Dos (1)
Do: Try staying indoors; Install air purifier(s) at home
Stay indoors: When smog envelops the air, it is advisable to avoid heading out, if it's not inevitable. Work from home, if you must, and let kids take a break from school, for sake of their good health.
Air purifiers: Install good-quality air-purifiers at your home to stay protected from harmful effects of indoor pollution.
Dos (2)
Do: Use pollution mask; Always stay hydrated
Mask: Whenever you head out, always use a disposable respiratory mask. This will cut down the amount of harmful particles you take in, thus reducing your chances of falling ill.
Hydration: Staying hydrated is crucial, as sufficient water will help kick out excessive toxins and impurities from the body. One can also opt for herbal tea brews like ginger tea or tulsi tea.
Dos (3)
Do: Eat healthy; Grow air purifying plants at home
Diet: Consume food items rich in Vitamin C, magnesium, omega fatty acids, as they give a boost to your immunity, thereby helping you fight the ill-effects of pollution and smog. Junk and fast food is a big no-no.
Plants: Some plants such as tulsi and money plant can naturally help purify the air. You may consider growing them at home.
Here are some things that you should avoid doing
Avoid strenuous activity and exercise, and more so, when outdoors. Quit morning walks and jogging for the time being, in order to stay safe.
Avoid burning garbage and also stop others from doing so.
Try using modes of public transport more frequently for the larger good of the city.
Quit smoking.