Expert debunks common myths about juicing
What's the story
Most of us love sipping on fresh fruit juices for their stellar health benefits, convenience, and flavor.
However, in the process of doing that, we often start believing the myths surrounding it and end up reaping no advantages.
Mr. Aakash Bansal, a certified dietician, founder, and fitness expert at FormFit, debunks five common misconceptions about juicing that may impact your health and wellness.
Myth 1
Juice is better than eating whole fruit
Since fruit juice comes straight from the fruit, you may be tempted to think that it is better than eating whole fruit.
However, Bansal says "Juicing has one downside - the pulp and skin of the fruit that is left behind are high in dietary fiber, vitamins, and other nutrients."
Reverse this by not straining the juice to retain the fiber and nutrients.
Myth 2
Juice is just empty calories
Bansal explains that the term "empty calories" doesn't mean that it has zero calories. Instead, it just refers to foods with high calories but low nutrient content.
This is not true in the cases of juices though.
"Juices made the right way are nutritionally similar to the fruit or vegetable it is squeezed from and provide various vitamins and minerals," he enlightens.
Myth 3
Juice helps you lose weight
Weight loss happens if you consume fewer calories than you burn.
However, "relying completely on juices can turn into a crash diet and any weight loss it causes will be in the short term only," states Bansal.
"So once you resume your normal diet, you'll put on any kilos you have lost," he adds.
Bansal recommends having juices as a part of your routine.
Myth 4
Juices are just liquid sugar
"While it's true that juice contains sugar, it only comes naturally from the fruit. Natural sugars aren't harmful like processed sugars are to the body," reveals the certified nutritionist.
So if your juice tastes sweet, drink it without any worries.
"Just make sure to drink fresh-squeezed juice and not packed and processed juice. They contains added sugars that are detrimental to health," he suggests.
Myth 5
A juice diet can help detox your body
The liver, kidneys, gut, and other organs of the human body are constantly detoxifying themselves.
However, many people think juicing is the only mechanism that can cleanse them from within.
"Eating whatever you want and then going on a juicing cleanse to erase the damage you've done is not the answer," mentions Bansal.
He urges people to focus on both healthy eating and juices.