Understanding crystal healing and its benefits
What's the story
You might have heard of crystal therapy as an alternative healing method.
These crystals are minerals believed to have healing properties, that boost low energy and prevent bad energy, besides transforming one's aura.
These stones are known to react with our inner energy system called the chakra system.
There are different crystals for different healing, explains spiritual and psychic healer, Dr. Madhu Kotiya.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is known to be a perfect nurturer for love and relationships.
This pink stone can promote feelings of compassion and understanding.
Being one of the most beautiful crystals, it helps to restore trust and harmony in relationships and enhance the bond.
It brings comfort and calm during times of grief and inspires love, respect, trust, and self-worth.
Amethyst is symbolic of serenity, trust, and grace.
This is a purple stone that helps in providing protection. Practitioners believe amethysts enhance one's spiritual visions and enlightenment.
It is also used to rid the mind of negative thoughts and promote willpower and healthy choices. It also fights your nightmares.
The purple color is a natural sedative and is said to fight rage and anxiety.
Citrine is a yellow to a reddish-orange colored member of the crystalline quartz family.
Known as the stone of manifestation, Citrine brings joy, wonder, and enthusiasm to your life.
It is said to help you release negative emotions, like fear and doubt; and encourage a sense of optimism.
The stone also supports concentration and attracts prosperity, which is why it's called "the merchant's stone."
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz balances all the chakras in the body, and it also aids in concentration during meditation.
This is a white crystal that is an amplifier of energy and a master healer.
It enhances one's memory and creativity.
Clear Quartz is often paired with rose quartz and other crystals to enhance their abilities.
It is predominantly influential to the third eye and crown chakra.
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Black Tourmaline and Turquoise
Black Tourmaline swallows negative energies and is considered highly protective. It helps in removing stress from our bodies and environment.
Turquoise is a blue crystal that heals the mind, body, and soul. Turquoise helps to balance emotions and maintain a spiritual state.
Experts analyze what is missing in your aura to balance your chakras and accordingly provide the stones to you.