Coronavirus: Precautions for Christmas and New Year gatherings
What's the story
Amid the rising threat of Coronavirus infection due to the latest spike in positive cases in China, enjoying the upcoming Christmas and New Year won't be that easy.
No one would want to get infected just before the long-awaited holiday get-together.
For reducing the risk of getting COVID-19 infection during gatherings, make sure to follow these precautionary measures.
Host your gathering outside
If you are the host and live in a warm-weather environment, consider hosting your gathering outside on the terrace, or garden.
That way people will be dispersed and it will be easier to maintain social distancing.
You, your family, and your guests will have a lower risk of contracting the virus, as it is an airborne disease that spreads through tiny microscopic droplets.
If not outside, then keep indoors ventilated
If there is no scope for hosting your gathering outside, then make sure you choose a larger space for conducting your Christmas Day and New Year's Eve parties.
That way people won't cluster very close together.
The place should be equipped with good ventilation facilities. Although it is cold outside, keep some windows and doors open.
Keep air purifiers indoors for improved ventilation.
Make rapid antigen tests mandatory
For improved protectiveness, have everyone take a rapid antigen test the same day as the gathering. Make it mandatory for your guests.
No, it's not a rude gesture, it is for everyone's safety and we are sure your guests are going to cooperate.
Or, you may choose to provide the tests just at your doorstep to better ensure that everyone gets tested.
Maintain personal hygiene
The virus can enter your body through your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Avoid touching your face and wash your hands for at least 15 to 20 seconds with soap and water, especially after touching surfaces or interacting with others.
Or, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to help eliminate the virus on your hands before eating or touching your face.
Avoid if sick
Avoid gatherings if you are unwell
If you are feeling unwell, you must stay at home to avoid spreading the infection to others.
Seek medical treatment immediately if you exhibit severe symptoms such as trouble breathing, inability to wake or stay awake, pressure in the chest, or bluish lips or face.
In general, wear a mask in crowded places, and only take it off briefly to eat.