Glass ceiling: Expert explains how women can break it
What's the story
Women have often been subject to multiple barriers that have hindered their growth, development, and advancement.
With this, many have either settled for less or completely given up on their talent because of the incessant struggles.
NewsBytes got in touch with Ms. Shalu Juneja, co-founder and director of Uno Lona Academy, who explains what the glass ceiling is and how women can smash it.
What exactly is a glass ceiling?
"A glass ceiling is a set of intangible barriers that, especially, women experience in our growth journey in the current construct of society. It is those experiences of not being taken seriously, not being heard, not being given an opportunity, not being trusted, and many more," explains Juneja.
"It exists because of a history of patriarchy that is deep-rooted in our culture," she shares.
Why is it important for women to break it?
"Women are capable of much more than most people realize. They need to break the glass ceiling if that's a construct they wish not to accept. It's important if they are ambitious, want to be independent, and wish for fairness and equality," states the entrepreneur.
"If you believe you're good at what you do, keep that faith alive and push forward," she tells.
Tip 1
Tip 1: Trust yourself and stand up for your belief
"The barriers we face create a sense of doubt within ourselves. In such times, reflect on your journey, look at how far you've come, and trust yourself," suggests Juneja.
"There will be instances when your beliefs and values will be challenged. If you need to stand up against them, please do. This may initially scare you but give you the much-needed confidence," she adds.
Tip 2
Tip 2: Become a life-long learner
"Stagnancy is equivalent to the end. No matter what line of work you are in, there are new developments that are continuously being trialed. Keep yourself in the loop with these and learn about them," recommends Juneja.
"If you are not learning continuously, you are never going to be future-ready. So become a life-long learner and stay in for the long haul," she states.
Tip 3
Tip 3: Boast about yourself, humbly
"Use the opportunities you get to promote yourself, talk about your achievements, and perhaps pat yourself on the back. You deserve it and so does your hard work," reveals the Uno Lona Academy founder.
"However, never let your pride turn into arrogance. Arrogance could be the end of your respect, perhaps even your career," she says.
Tip 4
Tip 4: Build your network
"Humans are social creatures. (Wo)mankind would not have come so far if that were not the case," shares Juneja.
"Get yourself out there even if it makes you uncomfortable. Meet people from your industry and network. A good network can bring opportunities that you couldn't even imagine, and that could help you get past many barriers that you face in your journey," she suggests.
Tip 5
Tip 5: Build a team for yourself
"I have at least three employees who have been with me for more than two decades and they have not only been a part of my growth journey but have also grown themselves with me," shares Juneja candidly.
"My team is my pillar and I think with a team you are capable of much more than you are as an individual," she concludes.