10 body language mistakes that can ruin your impression
What's the story
Body language is a widely discussed topic, especially in the professional arena.
How you sit, stand, use your hands, posture--everything speaks to the person before you.
You can use your body language to display confidence or uncertainty, strong willpower or lack of it, and so on.
Here are a few body language mistakes you need to stop making if you want to succeed.
#1 & 2
Weak handshake and leaning back
1. A weak handshake can ruin your impression and you will come across as sluggish, while a firm handshake makes you look more confident and efficient. However, find a middle path as you don't want to be seen as overconfident.
2. Leaning back while sitting is a complete no-no as it indicates that you are disinterested, daydreaming, or dismissive of the other person's opinion.
#3 & 4
Slouching and hiding your hands
3. Slouching is not just bad for your spine, but also for your persona. It makes you look fragile, weak, and lethargic. Instead, sit or stand straight to look more confident and energetic.
4. Hiding your hands or putting your hands in pockets reflects shyness, dishonesty, and powerlessness. Place your hands on the desk while sitting, or on your sides when standing.
#5 & 6
Crossing your arms/legs and fidgeting
5. Crossing your arms indicate rudeness, unapproachability, or an unwilling nature. Similarly, crossing your legs indicates nervousness and unprofessionalism. Instead, keep your hands and arms relaxed to look more approachable and well-mannered.
6. Fidgeting isn't well-received anywhere. Touching your hair, tapping your foot make you look nervous and anxious. You might be doing these unconsciously, so ask someone to help you stop this habit.
#7 & 8
Avoiding eye contact and touching your face
7. Eye contact lets the other person know that you have nothing to hide and are confident. So, maintain some eye contact to look more authoritative, trustworthy, and believable.
8. If you are in the habit of touching your face while talking to someone, stop right now. Touching your nose or chin sends the message that you are dishonest, nervous, stupid, and or anxious.
#9 & 10
Too many gestures and wringing your hands
9. Unnecessary gestures or repeating the same gestures make you look bossy and arrogant. Plus they serve no purpose besides distracting others from the real point. Instead, use subtle gestures here and there in a smooth manner.
10. Touching your hands often or wringing your hands communicates discomfort and nervousness and makes you look unprepared and upset.