5 best yoga poses to reduce belly fat
What's the story
Are you struggling to fit into your own outfits? Do you get judged for the extra flab around your belly and want to get rid of it?
You can, even if you don't have hours to spend at the gym to get into shape.
The age-old practice of yoga can effectively help you lose weight and reduce that belly fat.
Trikonasana (tree pose)
To perform the trikonasana (tree pose), stand straight with your legs spread apart.
Turn your right foot 90 degrees outward and the left one to 15 degrees inward.
Raise your arms sideways, parallel to the floor, with palms facing down.
Now, bend toward, with your right arm pointing downward and the left arm extended vertically.
Hold, and then repeat on the left side.
Benefits of trikonasana
The trikonasana helps strengthen your thighs, calves, abdomen, and back. It also helps in stretching the muscles around your legs, knees, and ankle joints. Further, it stimulates the abdominal muscles, which helps boost digestion, thereby promoting weight loss.
Bhujangasana (cobra pose)
To perform this pose, lie down on your stomach.
Spread your arms on the floor and stretch your legs.
Now, slowly lift your upper body, with your neck facing upward.
Stretch your body for 30-60 seconds.
Relax and then repeat.
This pose relieves stiffness in the upper body, promotes flexibility in the lower back, and also strengthens the core.
Navasana (boat pose)
Sit straight with your legs stretched out in front of you.
Place your hands slightly behind your hips.
Pull your upper body and straighten your back with your arms in front, and palms facing downward.
Lift your legs above to 45 degrees and extend your tailbone. Ensure you are sitting on your tailbone.
This pose will strengthen your spine and abdomen.
Dhanurasana (bow pose)
For the dhanurasana, lie down on your stomach while keeping your feet apart, hands along your torso, and palms facing up.
Fold your knees, and try grabbing your ankles with your hands.
Push your feet toward your buttocks.
Lift your chest and look upward.
This pose strengthens your lower back and helps in shedding belly fat.
Ardha purvottanasana (reverse table top pose)
Sit on the floor with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
Place your hands behind your back.
Lift your upper body keeping your neck and knees in a straight line and your chin facing upward.
Hold this for 20-30 seconds.
Relax and then repeat.
This pose helps strengthen the shoulders, wrists, arms, and legs.