5 plants perfect for student dorm rooms
What's the story
A dorm room is a common space that plenty of other people share with you. It isn't easy to decorate your own little corner in this scenario.
However, there are a few things that you can do.
Try going green. Certain plants look great indoors and don't require a lot of maintenance. So they are a great option for busy students.
Number 1
Succulents are really great plants when it comes to removing toxins from the air.
Such plants are also capable of humidifying the air, resulting in improved air quality.
They require water when the soil becomes completely dry so it won't be a problem if you don't water them every day due to your busy college life.
The only thing they require is good drainage.
Number 2
A bromeliad plant is another easy-care plant that comes in distinct colors.
Notably, these are flower plants but may not flower if kept in a room.
A bromeliad can easily survive in indirect sunlight as the direct sun rays can lead the leaves to burn. You can place them near your window.
Don't forget to water them at least once a week.
Number 3
Money Plant
Pachira Aquatica, popularly known as Money Plant, is another low-maintenance indoor plant.
All it needs is a little bright and indirect sunlight and watering every 1-2 weeks when you notice the top 2-4 inches of the soil dry.
Don't place them in direct sunlight as their leaves might start burning up.
The plant also acts as an anti-radiator and can reduce stress.
Number 4
Bamboo Plant
Also known as Dracaena sanderiana, bamboo plants are also great at attracting positive energy.
They are low maintenance and need bright to low light.
Bamboo plants can either grow in water or soil, so take your pick.
If you choose to keep them in water, then don't forget to change the water every couple of days.
Number 5
Aloe Vera
Easy to maintain, aloe vera is the best houseplant and has numerous benefits.
Aloe can easily survive near a sunny window and needs water once the soil becomes completely dry.
You can even apply the juice from its leave to your skin, hair, or even treat burns as it possesses heightened anti-inflammatory properties.
Its medicinal properties make it a great option for even homes.