The role of fiber in our body and its sources
What's the story
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate found in certain types of foods and plants, which when consumed, passes relatively unchanged through our stomach.
Research claims that fiber intake on a regular basis can have a huge positive impact on our health and that includes better digestion and lower chances of chronic illnesses.
Here are its other health benefits and also its sources.
Reduces high glucose levels in the system
Studies suggest that the consumption of high fibrous meals can really help reduce blood sugar spikes in one's system, especially in people with Type-2 diabetes.
If a diabetic follows a high-carbohydrate meal, then, intake of soluble fibers has a property to control blood sugar spikes even after the meal.
However, given the medical condition, one should still control the intake of carbohydrates.
Makes you feel fuller, helps lose excess weight
Once a person starts consuming dietary fibers daily, studies show that it can reduce his or her appetite to a great extent.
Fiber tends to soak up the water inside your intestines that in turn slows down the absorption of nutrients, increasing the feeling of fullness in the stomach.
Less calorie intake will automatically lead to a reduction in weight and thus aiding weight-loss.
Controls excess cholesterol, prevents heart disease
Some believe fiber has the ability to control excessive cholesterol in the body, keeping it below the alarming level.
Getting rid of excess cholesterol means that all the internal blood arteries will remain blockage-free, keeping your heart safe from sudden attacks, cardiac-arrests, and other heart-related problems.
Studies suggest for every 7 gms of fiber eaten daily, the risk of heart disease drops by 9%.
Better digestion, lower risk of cancer, and healthier bones
Fiber speeds up the passage of stool from your body by making it softer and bulkier, which relieves major health problems like constipation and improves overall digestion.
Consuming fiber on a regular basis can really lower the risk of getting certain cancers by 10%.
Soluble fibers in soybeans, oats, and wheat can increase the intake of calcium in foods you eat, strengthening bone density.
Sources of food that are inundated with fiber
Fiber-rich foods and sources include wholegrain bread, oats, wheat, breakfast cereal, whole-wheat pasta, soybeans, barley, and rice.
In fruits, one can find fiber in oranges, melons, and pears.
Vegetable sources of fiber include broccoli, carrots, sweet-corn, sweet potatoes, beans, pulses, nuts, seeds, and peas.
Chia seeds (contain up to 35% of fiber) and popcorn are also among the best sources of fiber.