Beginner's guide: Learn how to play a keyboard
What's the story
Keyboard is one of the best instruments to start with if you have recently ventured into music.
However, before you commence your lessons, adapt an optimum position.
Keep a straight back, relaxed shoulders, and place your feet on the ground. Form a C shape with your fingers, and then put them on the keyboard.
These steps will help you through your keyboard lessons.
White keys
Learning the notes: Start with the white keys
The white keys are whole notes that don't contain any sharps or flats. They represent 7 notes- C, D, E, F, G, A and B, in that order.
Locate a group of three black keys on the keyboard. 'A' is the white key between the second and third black key.
In the order mentioned above, you can mark the rest using this reference.
Black keys
Black keys: You need them to play chords
Black keys are sharps and flats, without which you can't play chords.
The notes E and B do not have sharps/flats, which is why there is no black key separating them.
The two black keys next to each other are C#/D flat and D#/E flat.
In the sequence of three black keys, the notes are F#/G flat, G#/A flat and A#/B flat.
Play C Major scale to familiarize yourself with keyboard scales
Keyboard scales are notes that are grouped and played together.
When the notes C, D, E, F, G, A, and B are played in this very sequence, it forms the C Major scale.
Since that scale is one of the most widely used ones, practice it to familiarize yourself with keyboard scales.
Learning scales will help you play chords and melodies.
After scales, it is time to learn chords
A chord is a selection of notes that are played together at the same time.
These might seem daunting for beginners, but there are some chords, like the C chord, which are easy to learn.
To play this chord, start with your right thumb on the C note, index finger on the E note, and little finger on the G note.
Lastly, start learning the music theory
Finally, to learn music theory, you have to start reading sheet music. Here are some basic symbolic explanation of sheet music.
Whole Note is an empty circle, and is played for four beats.
Half Note is an empty circle with an upwards line, and is played for two beats.
Quarter Note is the filled-in circle with an upwards line, it's played for one beat.