Learn some basic phrases before visiting these non-English speaking countries
What's the story
For the times when you have to pack a translational dictionary along!
English is among the most widely-spoken languages around the world. However, despite its popularity, the language isn't spoken widely in all countries, especially the likes of Thailand, Spain, Italy, Sweden, and Poland.
So if you're planning a trip to any of the aforementioned countries, here are some common phrases you must know.
The Land of Calves
In Italian, "si" means "yes" and "noh" means "no."
You say "please" as "per favore," "grazie" for "thank you," and "mi dispiace" for "I'm sorry."
Interestingly, "ciao" (pronounced chow) is both an informal "hi" and "bye."
Introduce yourself by saying "Mi chiamo (name)" and ask them there's with "Come si chiama?"
"Scuzi" is "excuse me" for attention and "permesso" to pass by.
Land of the Svea
"Ursäkta" (excuse me), we are now in Sweden!
In Swedish, you say "Hej" for "hey" or "hello". And if you're introducing yourself, say "Hej! Jag heter (name). Vad heter du?" which means "Hey! My name is (name). What is your name?"
"Hur mår du" is "how are you", "Tack" is "thank you", "Varsågod" is "you're welcome", and "Hej då" is "goodbye."
The Land of Fields
Meeting a Polish? Greet them a "Cześć" as "hello." Use "Do widzenia" to bid them "goodbye."
"Nazywam się (name)" means "my name is (name)," whereas "Jak masz na imię?" means "what is your name?"
You say "Proszę" for "please," "Dziękuję" for "thank you," "proszę bardzo" for "you're welcome," "przepraszam" for "excuse me," "Tak" as "yes," and "Nie" as "no."
The Land of Smiles
"Sawatdee" (hello), let's halt in Thailand before we reach our final destination.
In Thai, "khob khun" means "thank you," "chai" means "yes," "mai chai" means "no," and "sabai dee ru?" is the equivalent of "how are you?"
Additionally, you can say "kor tot" for "excuse me," "bai" to say "goodbye," and "khot hort" to say "sorry."
"Kun chuu arai?" is "what is your name?"
The Land of Rivers
"Hola" (hello), we end this article on a Spanish note.
"Por favor" means "please," "gracias" means "thank you," and "Lo Siento" is "sorry."
Same as Italian, "Si" means "yes" and "Noh" means "no" in Spainish.
If you're meeting someone for the first time, say "Cómo te llamas?" which means "what is your name?" and shares your with "Me llamo (name)."
Adiós amigos! (goodbye friends!).