All about Zika virus: Origin, symptoms, causes, and more
What's the story
Primarily transmitted through the bite of an infected Aedes mosquito, the Zika virus was first identified in 1947 in Uganda in a Rhesus macaque monkey.
Recently, the virus has been detected again in several countries, including in India in Kerala, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and Karnataka.
Though the Zika virus infection is not life-threatening for most people, it can be dangerous for pregnant women.
Know about the origin of Zika virus
After being identified in monkeys in 1947, Zika was later detected in humans in 1952 in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania.
Slowly, Zika started spreading in Asia in India, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Malaysia between 1969-1983, where it was detected in mosquitos.
The first large outbreak was reported in 2007 in Yap Islands, Micronesia. During 2015-16, Zika triggered a major crisis in Brazil.
Know about the symptoms
The most common symptoms of the Zika virus infection include fever, rash, joint pain, headache, conjunctivitis, and muscle pain.
Mild symptoms usually last for several days to a week. In rare cases, the infection can cause brain or nervous system complications like Guillain-Barre syndrome.
Women infected with Zika during pregnancy can be exposed to the risk of miscarriage or serious birth defects in newborns.
Causes behind the infection
Zika virus is a mosquito-borne disease that is transmitted by infected mosquitos, primarily Aedes aegypti.
These mosquitos usually bite during the day and also transmit diseases like dengue, urban yellow fever, and chikungunya.
The virus can also be transmitted from a mother to her fetus during pregnancy, through transfusion of blood or blood products, through organ transplantation, or through sexual contact.
Treatment and prevention of Zika infection
There is no special treatment or vaccine available for Zika infection, but mild symptoms can be easily managed with antipyretics or analgesics.
You can protect yourself against mosquito bites by applying insect repellent to the exposed skin and wearing light-colored clothing that covers your body.
Use mosquito nets while sleeping and use protection during sexual intercourse, especially in areas with active Zika transmission cases.
Recent cases
Know about the recent cases
In India, some Zika virus cases were identified in Maharashtra, Kerala, and Uttar Pradesh a few months ago.
On Monday, Karnataka reported its first case where a five-year-old girl was confirmed to be infected with the virus.
Previously, a 67-year-old man from Pune was also found infected with the virus in early December after he reported symptoms like fever, cough, fatigue, and joint pain.