5 yoga poses to stretch and strengthen your wrists
What's the story
Made of delicate tissues including tendons and ligaments, your wrists are small joints that align and stabilize your hands and help in controlling fine motor activities.
You can maintain the health of your wrists by paying close attention to their alignment, flexibility, and strength.
Since yoga is a great way to strengthen your wrists, here are five yoga asanas you should practice daily.
Weight-bearing pose
Adho mukha svanasana or downward facing dog pose
This weight-bearing pose helps stretch and strengthen your wrists and hands.
Get on all your fours and keep your hands slightly in front of your shoulders. Raise your knees, tuck your toes in and lift your hips in the air, forming a downward slope.
Spread your fingers wide, relax your head and stretch your torso. Hold for 15-20 seconds and relax.
Strengthen your wrists
Phalakasana or high plank pose
This pose helps strengthen your wrist and abdomen while stretching your neck and toning the abdominal muscles.
Stack your shoulders directly over your wrists and keep your body straight and strong.
Press into your palms and ensure that your arms are straight. Extend your legs out and balance on your toes.
Hold for one-four breaths, return to your original position, and relax.
Elongates the spine
Marjaryasana bitilasana or cat cow pose
This gentle posture not only strengthens your hands and wrists but also elongates your spine.
Kneel down with knees under your hips and wrists underneath your shoulders. Spread your fingers wide, inhale and lift your tailbone toward the ceiling with your belly toward the floor.
Exhale, arch your back, and open your shoulders. Repeat this at least five times and relax.
Arm-balancing posture
Mayurasana or peacock pose
This arm-balancing asana helps strengthen your back, core, and wrists.
Kneel down on the floor, open your knees wide apart and sit on the heels. Press your palms on the floor, bend your elbows and bring your forearms together.
Lower your forehead to the floor, straighten your legs, and stretch them, off the floor.
Lift your head, look straight and hold for five-10 breaths.
Wrist strength
Bhujapidasana or shoulder pressing pose
Stand in a squatting position with your knees wide apart. Place your arms behind your legs and hands wide apart on the floor behind the ankles.
Lower your torso forward and between your thighs. Lift off your hips while tucking your upper arms under the knees.
Bend your elbows, press into your hands, and lift your body off the floor. Hold for five breaths.