Try these yoga poses to improve your brain power
What's the story
The brain is the most vital and complex organ in the human body as it controls our thoughts, memories, and motor skills besides everything else.
Much like other muscles, our brain also needs some exercise to function effectively.
Yoga is one of the best ways to strengthen your brain's neural pathways and prevent psychiatric disorders.
These five yoga poses will improve your brain power.
Padmasana or lotus pose
Padmasana is a great meditative yoga pose that relaxes the mind and calms your brain.
It activates chakras in your body that help to increase your awareness.
Sit on a yoga mat with your spine erect.
Bend your knees and place your right ankle over the left thigh and your left ankle over the right thigh.
Take deep breaths and hold for one-five minutes.
Vajrasana or diamond pose
The breathing involved in Vajrasana helps to relax your brain and improve your sleep. It also helps in proper digestion, combats acidity, and increases blood circulation.
You can do Vajrasana even after a meal.
Kneel on the floor, pull your knees and ankle together and sit back on your legs.
Breathe normally, keep your hand on the thighs and hold for five-10 minutes.
Sarvangasana or shoulder stand pose
Sarvangasana improves focus and concentration as it engages all your body's chakras and organs.
Lie down with your back on the floor with your feet together. Keep your hands on the sides and raise your feet up at a 90-degree angle.
Bend your elbows, and lift your waist. Make sure your legs and body are in a straight line.
Hold for 30 seconds.
Bhramari pranayama or bee breathing
Bhramari pranayama not only helps to improve your memory and concentration but also builds confidence and releases negative emotions.
Sit up straight with your eyes closed and place your index fingers on your ears right at the cartilage.
Breathe in and press the cartilage as you breathe out while making a loud humming sound.
Breathe in again and out. Repeat the pattern three-four times.
Paschimottanasana or seated forward bend pose
Paschimottanasana helps release stress and mild depression and improves your memory.
Sit down on the floor with your legs extended forward and hands on the side. Keep your back straight and feet together.
Lift your arms up and bend forward to touch your toes. Your head should touch your knee and your chest must be on the thighs.
Hold for 30 seconds.