Do these 5 yoga asanas to improve your memory
What's the story
Want to improve your memory and retention? Look no further.
Yoga is one of the most popular and ancient fitness activities that not only help you with your physical health but also your mental health.
For centuries, it has been practiced to boost energy levels, increase concentration, and improve memory.
Here are five yoga asanas that can help you improve your memory.
Lotus pose
Sit with your legs folded. Your right foot should be on your left thigh and left foot on the right thigh with your heels facing upward.
With your spine straight and palms facing upward as they rest on your knees, close your eyes and indulge in some deep breathing.
Stay in this pose for at least five minutes as you focus on your breath.
Seated forward bend pose
Sit on your yoga mat and stretch your legs outward as much as possible
While exhaling, bend forward and try to hold your toes with your hands. If unable, you can hold your ankles.
Now, keeping your back straight try to rest your face on your knees.
While practicing this pose, do not bend your knees, and breathe normally.
Plow pose
Lie on your back keeping your arms by your side.
Breathe in and lift your feet above the ground by using your core muscles.
You may use your hands to support your hips as you lift them off the ground and place your legs directly over your head to touch the ground with your feet.
Hold the position for a few seconds and relax.
Tree pose
Stand with your feet together. Place your hands at the side and breathe normally.
Now fold your right leg toward your left knee, the sole of your right foot should touch the inner left thigh.
Balancing on the left leg, raise your arms over your head and join them in a namaste. Ensure your elbows don't bend.
Hold the pose for a few seconds.
Thunderbolt pose
This yoga pose can help you increase both memory and concentration.
Kneel down on the floor and sit back on your heels.
Keeping your head and spine straight, place your hands on your knees or thighs.
Hold this pose for about 30 seconds if you are a beginner or for 10 minutes otherwise.
Concentrate on your breathing and take long deep breaths throughout.