5 yoga asanas that can help stretch tight hips
What's the story
Tight hips can increase the load on your spine and lead to tender and sore muscles and decreased strength along the groin area.
Hip opening exercises can help maintain balance, stability, and mobility in the entire body while decreasing backache and increasing blood circulation. They also help pregnant women with labor.
These yoga asanas can help open up your hips and improve your posture.
Great stretching
Balasana or child's pose
This yoga pose can help stretch your thigh, lengthen your spine and open up your hips.
Kneel down on the floor and sit straight on your heels.
Extend your arms in front and rest your forehead on the floor while resting your torso between your thighs.
Hold this pose for about a minute while slowly breathing in and out.
Then sit back and relax.
Utthan pristhasana or lizard pose
A great hip opening asana, lizard pose also helps stretch your quadriceps and hamstring groins.
Get on the plank position with your forearms (elbows to palms) resting on the yoga mat.
Now bring your right ankle beside your right elbow, and feel the stretch.
Breathe slowly and hold the pose for 30 seconds. Then repeat with the other leg.
Meditation asana
Virasana or hero pose
This meditation asana helps stretch your quadricep muscles and hip flexor while building flexibility in the knees.
Sit on your knees placing your thighs perpendicular to the floor. Separate your feet slightly more than hip-width apart and sit down between your feet.
Rest your hands on your knees and hold this pose for one minute. Release, return to the original position, and relax.
Stretches heart muscles
Gomukhasana or cow face pose
This deep hip opener pose also prevents cardiovascular diseases by stretching your heart muscles.
Sit on your heels, then place your right knee over your left knee and hold your legs close to the buttocks.
Bring your left hand behind your back bending your elbow and your right arm overhead interlocking both hands.
Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite side.
Squat position
Malasana or yogi squat
This simple squat pose helps stretch your outer and inner hips while releasing tension from the thigh and neck area.
Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart with your toes slightly pointing outwards.
Sit down in a squat position and bring your hands in the center in a namaste. Keep your shoulders relaxed and hold the pose for at least 30 seconds.