Feeling restless? These yoga asanas can help you calm down
What's the story
The ancient practice of yoga offers several health benefits including calming the mind.
Right from increasing your concentration to decreasing your uneasiness, you can break free from restlessness by practicing a few yoga asanas.
Additionally, these asanas are super easy and effective to incorporate into your daily lifestyle.
Don't believe us? Well, practice these five yoga poses and experience changes yourself.
Child's pose
This asana helps relieves stress and anxiety, helping you calm down your nervous system.
All you have to do is, kneel on the floor and sit back on your heels. Bend forward until your thighs and chest are in contact.
You can rest your hands by the side or extend them ahead, whichever suits you more. Stay for three to five minutes and release.
Bridge pose
Setu Bandhasana
Lie on your back and then bend your knees. Ensure that your heels are pulled toward the body.
The next step is to keep your arms beside you and lift your thighs and hips, keeping them parallel to the floor.
Tighten the glutes and hold your ankles with your hands.
This asana increases blood flow to your brain and helps you relax.
Humming bee
Bhramari Pranayam
This is a fantastic breathing exercise that can help you recover from restlessness.
Sit comfortably in a lotus pose and keep your spine erect.
Clog both your inner ears with your thumbs and close your eyes by covering them with your fingers.
Now inhale deeply and as you exhale, produce a 'hmmm' sound till your breath flows out of your nostril.
Alternate nostril breathing
Anulom Vilom
Here's another incredibly effective yoga technique that calms your mind.
Sit in sukhasana and close your eyes. Place both your palms on your knees.
Close the right nostril with the right thumb and then inhale slowly through the left nostril.
Holding your breath, close the left nostril with your ring finger and exhale from the right nostril. Repeat with the other side.
Legs up the wall pose
Viparita Karani
This one is an easy-peasy yoga pose that promotes relaxation and induces sleep as your mind enters a state of rest.
Sit comfortably and close to a wall and lie back on the floor. Scoot your hips as close to the wall as possible and raise your legs straight.
Place your hands beside you and focus on your breathing. And that's it.