Yoga for varicose veins? These asanas can help
What's the story
Yoga is an ancient practice with asanas or poses that help overcome every health condition big or small.
Of these, there are some that are incredibly beneficial for healing varicose veins, a condition that leads to twisted and enlarged veins in the body, mostly in the legs.
Here are five yoga poses you should definitely try to speed up your recovery from varicose veins.
Mountain pose
Stand with your feet slightly apart. Interlock your fingers and turn the wrists outward.
Inhale, raise your arms over your head, lift your heels, and stretch your back. Hold for 10 seconds.
Exhale, bring down your heels, release the interlocking fingers, and relax.
Doing this can alleviate the heaviness in the legs caused owing to varicose veins and improve blood circulation as well.
Child pose
Even a simple yoga pose like Balasana can heal you as it prevents blood stagnation in varicose veins and relaxes them.
All you have to do is, kneel on the floor and sit back on your heels.
Bend forward until your thighs and chest are in contact. You can rest your hands by the side or extend them ahead.
Hold for three-five minutes.
Fish pose
Sit with your legs crossed and hold your toes.
Now, lean back stretching your spine and neck. Try to touch your head to the floor.
Lift your chest toward the ceiling by pressing down your palms. Make sure your back is arched.
Hold for 30 seconds and relax.
This asana can help stretch your legs, eliminating the stress and cramps caused by varicose veins.
Standing forward bend pose
With your feet and hip wide apart, stand and raise your arms above your head.
Slowly bend at the hip to fold your torso forward and let your knees bend slightly.
Bring your palms to the floor and alternatively grab opposite elbows.
If that seems difficult, you can let your arms hang loosely by your side.
Hold the pose for about three deep breaths.
Bridge pose
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
Begin by lying on your back and bending your knees.
Ensure that your heels are pulled toward the body. Keep your arms by the side.
Now lift your thighs and hips keeping them parallel to the floor and tighten the glutes.
Hold your ankles with your hands. That's it!
Do this pose for a minute and then return to the original position.