It's possible to overcome jet lag with yoga: Here's how
What's the story
Jet lag? Yoga can help you get back on track!
Traveling across time zones can disrupt your sleep cycle, cause fatigue, induce headaches, and make you irritable, all of which are symptoms of jet lag.
While these usually vanish once you adjust to the new environment, you can quicken its exit process by practicing some yoga asanas.
Try these five beginner-friendly and effective poses.
Bridge pose
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
This pose energizes your mood and relieves stress.
Begin by lying on your back and bending your knees.
Now grab your right ankle with the right hand and the left one with the left hand.
Pressing your head and shoulders on the ground, lift your lower body in the air, and engage with your leg muscles to lift your hips higher.
Camel pose
This asana reduces travel-induced fatigue, stiffness, and anxiety.
All you have to do is to kneel, stretch your legs back, and ensure your soles face the ceiling.
Place both your hands on your hips and inhale deeply.
Bend backward to make an arch, place your palms on your feet, and let your head hang back. Your neck and hands should be straight.
Supine Spinal Twist pose
Supta Matsyendrasana
Lie on your back, bend your left knee, and stretch your right.
Now stretch both your arms with palms facing toward the ceiling.
Keeping your face toward the left side, push your left knee toward the right letting it cross over the right leg. Stretch as much as possible.
Return to the original position and repeat the same steps with the other leg.
Sun Salutation
Surya Namaskar
Stand, raise your arms, and bend backward.
Now lean forward and touch your toes without bending your knees.
Inhale and stretch your right leg back. Hold and then push your left leg back.
Now drop your knees, chest, and shoulders slowly, and then do the cobra pose.
Bring your right leg forward and then the left leg. Bend, touch your toes, and stretch up.
How can Surya Namaskar help overcome jet lag?
This yoga asana is a great way to release body stiffness that you may experience after sitting for hours on the flight. Additionally, it's also effective in waking up your body, especially when its internal clock stops working owing to prolonged travel across time zones.
Happy baby pose
Ananda Balasana
Lie flat on your back, hug your knees, and grab the soles of your feet as you do that.
Ensure your knees fall to the outside of your ribs.
Pull your feet downward and try to kiss the floor with your thighs or knees.
Once done, rock gently side to side to massage your spine.
This pose can reduce stiffness and induce energy.