Do these yoga asanas for strong and healthy lungs
What's the story
Hardly do we ever think about our breaths! But if done consciously, it connects us with the subtle energy within. This is exactly why yoga stresses the importance of conscious breaths.
You may have come across people who practice breathing exercises regularly to increase their oxygen level.
There are several yoga asanas that are effective in increasing your lung capacity.
Start practicing them today.
Eliminate toxins
Sukhasana or cross-legged sitting pose
Sukhasana helps to eliminate the toxins from the body, improves blood circulation in the lungs, reduces stress, and treats respiratory problems.
Sit comfortably in a cross-legged position. Rest your hands on your lap or on the tops of your thighs.
While inhaling, roll your shoulders up to your ears and while exhaling, roll your shoulders down your back, this will improve your posture.
Asthma patients
Bhujangasana or cobra pose
Bhujangasana stretches out your lungs and keeps them healthy. This posture gives respite to asthma patients.
Lie on the ground with your hands beside your shoulder, press onto the ground and lift your body up from the torso.
Straighten your arms, look up and hold for 20 seconds. Continue breathing normally.
Relax and come back to the starting position.
Forceful exhalation
Kapal Bhati Pranayama
This yoga pose involves forceful exhalation that not only exercises the abdomen muscles but also cleans your brain and lungs. Practicing it daily will rejuvenate your body and mind.
Sit comfortably with your spine straight. Inhale deeply through your nostrils till your stomach bloats.
Exhale and let your stomach go deep inside. Repeat 10 times.
Do this an hour before having food.
Deep breathing
Matsyasana or fish pose
Known as the "destroyer of all diseases," Matsyasana stretches and strengthens your lung muscles and promotes deep breathing.
Lie on your back with your arms under your lower back. Lift your upper body and breathe deeply.
Keep your back arched and rest your crown on the ground while balancing with your elbows.
Inhale and exhale deeply while opening your chest.
Hold for 15-20 seconds.
Chest muscles
Dhanurasana or bow pose
This yoga pose is extremely effective in eliminating toxins from the lungs and making your chest muscles healthy and strong.
Lie down on your stomach, lift your upper body and bend your knees toward the hips.
With your stomach on the ground, hold your ankles with your hands.
Lift your legs and arms as much as you can. Hold for 15-20 seconds. Relax!