Do these 5 yoga asanas to get a healthy gut
What's the story
A healthy gut plays an important role in maintaining your overall well-being as the gastrointestinal system serves as the major portal for taking in and processing nutrients.
Practicing yoga daily can improve your gut health and digestion by keeping your stomach active and relaxing your mind.
Here are five powerful yoga asanas that will detoxify and rejuvenate your gut to perform efficiently.
Stimulates organs
Adho mukha svanasana or downward dog pose
This yoga pose stretches the entire back line of your body. It improves digestion and energizes and calms the body while stimulating organs.
Take a plank position making sure your hands are shoulder distance apart. Your hips should be up and heels sinking close to the floor.
Hang your head between the upper arms, breathe deeply and hold for 30 seconds.
Stimulates thyroid
Setu bandha sarvangasana or bridge pose
Apart from helping in digestion, this yoga pose stretches abdominal muscles, stimulates the thyroid, reduces stress, and improves blood circulation.
Lie down on your back and bend your knees. Press your feet firmly on the floor. Your legs and feet should be parallel and hip distance apart.
Exhale and stretch your knees forward and roll up the spine. Hold this pose for 10-15 breaths.
Relieves gas
Paschimottanasana or seated forward bend pose
Extremely effective in relieving gas and constipation, paschimottanasana helps to reduce abdominal fat while gently massaging the organs.
Sit on the floor in an upright position with your legs extended forward and hands by your side. Inhale, bend at the hips and stretch your arms, trying to hold your toes.
Your head must touch your knee. Hold this pose for one minute and relax.
Relieves cramps
Uttana shishosana or extended puppy pose
The puppy pose works great when you are bloated or suffering from acid reflux as it stretches the belly and gives relief from cramps.
Sit on the floor and fold the body forward with arms stretched outward and toes curled under.
Press your hands down and stretch through your arms, pulling your hips back toward the heels.
Breathe normally and hold for 30 seconds.
Stimulates appetite
Trikonasana or triangle pose
This yoga pose helps to improve digestion, relieves constipation, and stimulates your appetite.
Stand straight with your hands by your side and legs wide apart. Turn the right foot to your right side, bending your body to the right.
Extend your left arm toward the ceiling and touch your right hand to your right foot. Repeat the same on the other side.