Do you know about these 5 types of sugar
What's the story
Not only does sugar sweetens baked goods, and drinks but it also enhances the flavor and texture of dishes.
However, did you know that there are different types of sugar available that serve different purposes in different dishes?
Different sugars are also produced from different plants.
Here are five different types of sugar that you must know about.
Food baking
White sugar
Also called granulated or table sugar, white sugar is the most common type of sweetener used extensively in food.
Usually produced by refining sugar cane or sugar beets, the flavor of white sugar is neutral which makes it a popular choice for sweetening beverages and baking goods that require rising.
It helps elevate your mood and offers a burst of energy.
Caramel-like flavor
Brown sugar
Packed with a deep, caramel, or toffee-like flavor, brown sugar is made from crystalline sucrose and molasses that gives it that distinctive color and taste.
It also contains certain minerals like calcium and iron.
Widely produced in the Caribbean, Europe, Brazil, Australia, South Africa, and parts of the United States, it is usually used to make chocolate cakes, rich fruit cakes, and cookies.
Cane sugar
Packed with a lot of nutrients than regular white sugar, cane sugar is made by chopping sugarcane, extracting the juice, getting unrefined molasses by boiling the juice, and then crystallizing it.
This water-soluble sugar is usually used in baked goods and is also used as a garnish to add some crunch.
This sugar is good for diabetics as it has a lower glycemic index.
Less refined
Muscovado sugar
Also called Barbados sugar, muscovado sugar is less refined than regular sugar and contains natural molasses.
Available in dark and light varieties, muscovado sugar has a rich coffee-like taste and the texture is sticky, sandy, and moist.
Often used as a substitute for brown sugar, muscovado sugar adds a caramel-like sweetness to sauces and savory dishes.
You can also use it in hot coffee.
Plant-based sweetener
Coconut sugar
Also called coconut palm sugar, coconut sugar is a plant-based natural sweetener that is made from the nectar of coconut blossoms.
It has fine granules and a nice caramel taste. Coconut sugar gets a distinctive hazel-brown color after melting.
It also has a low glycemic index which makes it perfect for diabetics.
It also contains small amounts of iron, zinc, and calcium.