How to work the night shift and stay healthy
What's the story
Both, working night shifts and burning midnight oil are no cakewalk. It requires immense discipline to be a night owl.
Those who work night shifts often face issues like sleep deprivation which may lead to irritability and decreased productivity among other health concerns.
So if you're wondering how to stay healthy while working the night shift, here are five tips.
Set a sleep schedule
Developing a strict sleep schedule is crucial for preparing your body for night shifts.
For example, try getting rest between 6am and 10am and nap between 2pm and 4pm to prepare well for your shift.
Make sure you stick to the same wake and sleep routine even on your off days. This can help you avoid shift work sleep disorder (SWSD).
Exercise regularly
While people may discuss the best time to work out, the truth is that there's not one size that fits all.
Plan your exercise routine according to your schedule. Workouts can be planned before work or even after work.
Having an exercise routine helps you feel more energized and prepares you well for the night shifts.
Aim for HIIT exercises to maximize your results.
Set boundaries
Let people know about your daily routine.
Tell them at what time you will be sleeping and what time you will be working, so they know when to not disturb you.
Paste your work and sleep schedule outside your room's door so that your family members are aware of when you sleep and when they can expect to see you.
Eat healthily
Eat healthy, and stick to a schedule
It becomes difficult to have a proper diet and eating schedule when you are working night shifts.
Regular meals are important for your body to maintain its clock. Don't skip having three meals per day, spread it out evenly throughout your wake time to ensure you have all your meals on time.
If you are hungry between meals, have some healthy snacks.
Take naps efficiently
Napping is necessary to meet your sleep needs.
Night shift workers tend to get lesser sleep hours than the general population.
If this sleep deprivation continues for longer periods, it could lead to issues like headaches, irritability, and burnout among others.
Moreover, these issues can lead to a variety of other problems, such as increased sick leaves and decreased productivity.