5 things we wish they taught us back in school
What's the story
Sadly, the real world is beyond textual knowledge.
It's thought-provoking to realize that most of the theoretical lessons we were beaten down to learn in school have zero applications in our lives today.
However, things we were never taught, life beats us with them daily.
Here are five things we wish schools included in their curriculum and taught us back in the day.
Emotional quotient is also as important as intelligence quotient
Schools mostly focus on improving a student's intelligence quotient (IQ). But what they largely miss out on is allowing one to work on their emotional quotient (EQ) too.
As per research, EQ can't be inherited but can be improved with training and practice.
So if that's taught at a young age, they can grow up to manage their temperament, stress, anxiety, frustration, and depression.
It is okay to fail and make mistakes
There are several cases, particularly in India, where young students die of suicide because they fail exams.
The hype about failure is so much that these young minds think it's easier to die than to embrace it.
We wish schools taught how failures and rejections don't define our worth and that, the world doesn't come to an end when they happen.
Love is more about feelings than genders
Textbooks have made us believe that love can only exist between a man and a woman.
However, if they taught us that love is a natural feeling that is beyond genders, life would have been easier for many from the LGBTQ+ community who remain closeted.
They taught us about Napolean and Hitler but skipped mentioning the depiction of homosexuality in Mughal chronicles. The convenience!
We all are beautiful in our own unique ways
Bullying is a common incidence in schools and sadly, no Trigonometry formula or Aristotle from history can solve it.
We wish school taught us to embrace people for who they are and how they look.
One can get their two minutes of laughter by calling someone fat, skinny, short, tall, dark, fair, hairy, bald, masculine, or feminine, but it wrecks the other person.
Health is both physical and mental
From PT period to sports day, schools make their students physically fit and healthy.
However, if they gave equal weightage to mental health by hosting regular meditation sessions and yoga classes, things would have been different.
Today, people of all age groups deal with stress, anxiety, and depression, which doesn't happen overnight but with years of suppressing and unattended emotions.