5 reasons why cashew milk is good for you
What's the story
A well-known vegan beverage, cashew milk is made with whole cashews and water and has a rich and creamy texture.
Available in sweetened and unsweetened varieties, cashew milk is loaded with vitamins, healthy fats, minerals, and essential plant compounds.
This healthy beverage helps boost your immunity and improves your eye, skin, and heart health.
Here are five amazing health benefits of cashew milk.
Heart health
Boosts your heart health
Packed with heart-healthy polyunsaturated and monosaturated fats, this plant-based drink is great for your heart health and prevents cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and stroke.
The potassium and magnesium in it also boost your heart health and decrease heart disease risk factors like diabetes and high blood pressure.
According to a review, people who consumed potassium-rich foods had a 24% lower risk of stroke.
Eye health
Great for your eyes
The antioxidants called beta-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin in cashew milk prevent cellular damage to your eyes caused by free radicals and boost your eyesight.
They also reduce the risk of developing cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration that can cause vision loss.
These carotenoids also help absorb the harmful blue light that enters your eyes and prevent harmful eye diseases and infections.
Skin health
Promotes skin health
Loaded with copper, cashew milk boosts collagen production in your body and helps in generating skin proteins, thereby giving you healthy and young skin.
It also helps in maintaining skin elasticity and strength and reduces wrinkles and fine lines.
Mix together cashew milk, and gram flour and apply it to your skin. Wait for 15 minutes before washing it off with cold water.
Blood sugar
Improves blood sugar levels
The essential compounds in cashew milk help control your blood sugar levels and prevent the risk of developing diabetes.
According to a study, the anacardic acid found in cashews stimulated the uptake of circulating blood sugar in rat muscle cells.
Being lactose-free, cashew milk has few carbs which help in controlling blood sugar. It is also sugar-free which further prevents diabetes.
Immunity levels
Boosts your immunity
Loaded with essential vitamins, minerals, zinc, and antioxidants, cashew milk help boost your immunity and protect your body from harmful infections and inflammation.
It helps decrease the inflammatory response in your body and improves immunity.
The zinc in it prevents cell damage and improves the structure of mucous membranes. Zinc also has antioxidant properties that prevent free radicals from harming your organs.