You have probably been pronouncing your favorite foods all wrong
What's the story
Ever found yourself in a situation where you are about to place an order but then you are not quite sure how to pronounce the food's name on the menu?
Well, you aren't alone because this happens with the best of us!
Here are five of the most commonly mispronounced words that even the savviest of food lovers forget sometimes.
Gnocchi (Nyawk-kee)
Gnocchi is a type of pasta consisting of soft, fatty, and chewy dumplings.
The problem is with the 'gn' sound at the beginning, which sounds like 'ny' in Italian.
In English, we aren't used to having the 'g' at the beginning of words silent, but in this case, we need to keep the 'g' silent.
So, we have to say 'Nyawk-kee' instead of 'Gno-chee'.
Pho (Fuh)
'Pho' is a popular Vietnamese street food made of broth, rice noodles, and meat.
It's pronounced as 'fuh', which sounds like the word fur without the 'r'.
It might seem like an unfinished word, but the dish is worth trying.
If you are fascinated enough you should definitely try these flavorsome Vietnamese street food recipes.
Bruschetta (broo-SKEH-tah)
The correct pronunciation of 'bruschetta' is 'broo-SKEH-tah' with a hard 'ch' sound.
Many people mispronounce it as 'broo-SHET-ta'.
The word comes from the old Tuscan language and means "to roast over coals".
Bruschetta is a popular Italian appetizer made of toasted bread with toppings such as tomatoes, cheese, or olive oil.
Here are some Italian recipes you can easily make at home.
Salmon (SAM-un)
The word 'salmon' is pronounced with a silent "l".
If you have been saying it wrong, don't worry - it's a tricky word!
You say it like 'SAM-un' with the stress on the first syllable and a clear 'ae' sound.
The second syllable is shorter and has a little 'uh' sound.
So remember, it's 'SAM-un' fish and not 'SAL-mon' fish.
Tortillas (tor-TEE-ya)
The 'tor' in tortillas sounds like the 'tor' in 'tornado.'
Then, add a 'tee' sound, as if you were saying the letter 'T'. Finally, end with a little 'ya' sound.
So, the complete pronunciation is 'tor-TEE-ya'.
Tortillas are a type of flatbread commonly used in Mexican cuisine.
Love Mexican dishes? Here are five popular Mexican dishes you need to try.