Style your beard with these homemade beard waxes
What's the story
There is no denying the fact that beard wax can style your facial hair and at the same, condition and moisturize them too.
However, most of the store-bought options are loaded with chemicals that aren't too friendly for the long-term health of your skin and hair.
Fret not, you can make your beard wax at home with ingredients that are easily available. Here's how.
Recipe 1
Beard wax with lime essential oil
Begin by melting beeswax (or soy wax for a vegan version) and heating avocado oil with it.
Once done, remove it from heat and then stir in 10 gm of cocoa butter or shea butter until melted.
Now add lime essential oil to it, pour the mixture into a small container, and then freeze it for 20 to 30 minutes.
Recipe 2
Beard wax with petroleum jelly
Melt beeswax in a pitcher over medium heat.
Now grab a cooking vat, place it on low heat, and add petroleum jelly to it. Also, add your favorite essential oils like avocado oil, cedarwood oil, etc.
Once the jelly and oils reach the same consistency, add in the wax. Stir well.
Pour it into a tin container and let it sit overnight.
Recipe 3
Beard wax with juniper oil
Take some beeswax and melt it on medium flame.
Separately, take one tablespoon each of powdered gum Arabic and shea butter and two tablespoons of water in a cooking vat. Heat them over a low flame until they reach the same consistency.
Once they do, add the wax to it and two drops of juniper oil.
Transfer into a tin and leave it overnight.
Recipe 4
Beard wax with sweet almond oil and pine resin
Melt some beeswax. Meanwhile, add 100 gm of pine resin and 75 gm of shea butter to a cooking vat and place it over medium flame.
Once you attain a uniform consistency of the resin and butter, add the wax to it.
Mix in a few drops of sweet almond oil and cedarwood oil.
Transfer to a tin and let it set.