Try these home remedies to get rid of shoulder pain
What's the story
You can develop an aching shoulder due to arthritis, bone spurs in the shoulder area, injury of nearby tendons like the bicep muscles of the arms, or any nerve injury.
Shoulder pain can make it difficult for you to move your arms around and hinder your daily chores.
Here are five home remedies to help alleviate your shoulder pain.
Here is what our experts says
Shoulder pain can be due to inflammation or injury to three main structures in the shoulder joint - the bones, the muscles, and the tendons surrounding the joint.
Very rarely an intra-abdominal pathology like gallstones or liver abscess may give rise to pain in the shoulder which is known as "referred pain."
If home remedies don't provide relief one should visit a doctor.
Ice therapy
Ice therapy can help to numb the tissues, reducing the pain and inflammation on your shoulders.
This therapy is excellent for fresh injuries, as it helps relax the muscles and stiff joints. It also helps in reducing swelling around the shoulders.
Wrap some ice cubes in a soft towel and place them on the inflamed area for 20 minutes. Do this five times daily.
Hot compress
Great for treating older injuries, a hot compress can relax your shoulders and heal soreness and stiffness.
Use an electric heating pad on a medium level or a hot water bag.
Heat compress accelerates the healing process by stimulating blood flow and delivering oxygen to the area.
You can also opt for a mild hot shower for five-10 minutes to get some relief.
Epsom salt
Salt bath
This age-old technique of taking an epsom salt bath can reduce the pain and inflammation on your shoulders effectively and make you feel relaxed.
The salt bath gives relief from stiffness in the muscles and joints, increases blood circulation, soothes muscle cramps, and helps relax overworked legs and feet.
Add epsom salt to your bathwater, and immerse yourself in the bathtub for 30 minutes.
Towel stretch
Try some stretches
It is recommended to stretch your muscles encompassing your shoulders twice daily to alleviate the pain and inflammation and improve flexibility.
Warm up your shoulders using a hot compress before starting the stretches.
You can lift your affected arm straight upwards and then bring it down or open and close your cupboard doors for a good stretch.
You can also try towel stretches.
Ayurvedic remedy
Use a turmeric ointment
Packed with an anti-inflammatory active ingredient called curcumin, turmeric is extremely effective against pain, inflammation, and swelling in the shoulders.
Turmeric is a popular ingredient in Ayurvedic medicine and also helps treat osteoarthritis and joint pain.
Mix together turmeric powder and coconut oil and apply the paste to the affected shoulder. Wait for 30 minutes before washing it off.