Analyzing 5 striking health benefits of manjistha
What's the story
Also called Indian madder in English, manjit, or manjitha, manjistha is a popular Ayurvedic herb available across India.
It is known to be a potent blood detoxifier as it is blessed with anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
In addition to this, it is also rich in compounds that help you fight off pains.
Here are five excellent health benefits of manjistha.
Here's what our expert says
Manjistha is a part of Ayurveda, where it is used for skin whitening, anti-inflammatory, and gastric ailments, and as a pimple and acne remedy.
It has a very strong anti-coagulant activity that prevents blood clotting and encourages blood thinning.
If you are on any Ayurvedic medicines you should disclose them to your doctor before starting new treatment to prevent any adverse reactions.
Good for gut
Can treat diarrhea
Manjistha is helpful in removing bacteria from the intestines that cause diarrhea and other digestive infections.
When consumed, it works wonders in healing a specific type of diarrhea called atisara, which is an acute condition.
Moreover, the herb not only removes toxins but is also incredibly useful in reducing the frequency of one's bowel movement.
Breathe better
Helps tackle respiratory issues
Blessed with anti-inflammatory, anti-asthmatic, and antibiotic properties, manjistha is known as a traditional remedy for all kinds of respiratory ailments.
It is quite powerful against common colds, sore throats, coughs, and flu.
Additionally, it also helps you breathe better as it actively thins and loosens rheum particles in the chest and nasal passages.
By consuming it, you can also get quick relief from mucus.
Shed extra kilos
May help in weight loss
By consuming manjistha, one can lose weight faster and naturally, thanks to its flavonoids and bioactive compounds.
In fact, Ayurveda says this herb is rich in fiber and other essential nutrients that keep you full for longer and your hunger pangs at bay.
What's more? Well, it also lowers the accumulation of LDL, the "bad cholesterol," thereby improving the body's metabolism.
So hearty
Can promote cardiac functioning
Manjistha is abundant in powerful cardio-tonic properties that make it a useful herb in maintaining your heart health.
It manages irregular cardiac rhythm by acting as a calcium channel blocker.
Besides that, it also prevents lipid peroxidation and accumulation in the blood vessels.
From reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and blood clots to preventing heart blocks and heart attacks, manjistha does a fair job.
Damage-free skin
Helps improve skin health
Known as one of the best blood-purifying herbs, manjistha breaks down blockages in the blood flow.
It is used both internally as well as externally to promote skin brightening.
In addition to this, it is also known for healing acne, skin rashes, and many skin infections.
Moreover, this herb shields your skin against harmful UVA and UVB rays, keeping it damage-free and glowing.