Heard of Kratom? It's a herbal extract with many benefits
What's the story
Kratom is a powerful herb that is blessed with a plethora of medicinal properties.
Scientifically known as Mitragyna speciosa, it is widely grown in Southeast Asia, specifically in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
You can make a delicious tea using its dry leaves which can also be ground into a fine powder or encapsulated as supplements.
Here are its top five health benefits.
Benefit 1
Relieves pain
Kratom is a blessing from nature for people dealing with chronic pains.
Many studies around the world reveal that this herb is effective in treating post-workout muscle aches.
As per the research done by FDA, kratom has a substance that binds to mu-opioid receptors in the brain. Surprisingly, these are the same receptors that are activated when you take prescription painkillers.
Benefit 2
Boosts energy
Kratom is known to improve blood circulation in the body, helping one experience a burst of energy.
It also has intense metabolic effects, metabolizing food faster in the body and quickly producing the energy it needs.
In fact, in many countries, kratom has become a remedy for dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome.
Some people even substitute their morning cup of coffee with it.
Benefit 3
Improves mood
Many studies have concluded that kratom has anti-depressant properties, helping one experience a good mood.
It is known to feature some therapeutic effects that calm your nerves and promote a more positive mindset.
If consumed in higher amounts, it also yields sedative effects that can help you through episodes of panic attacks, anxiety, and depression.
Benefit 4
Enhances libido
As per a study, 99% of participants who consumed kratom to enhance their libido, ended up with better sexual performance.
Wondering how? Well, this is because it is blessed with aphrodisiac properties which make it a go-to herbal source for improving bedtime intimacy.
Moreover, it has been tested and approved as a plant-based sexual enhancer as it delays ejaculation and increases sexual desire.
Benefit 5
Promotes alertness
Kratom also garners attention for its compounds that promote mental stimulation and cognitive health.
It is known for making people more alert and focused, allowing them to attend to their daily routine with more mental clarity and concentration.
Acetylcholine, an alkaline substance found in it, acts as a neurotransmitter, fostering calmness and helping you steer clear of overthinking.