5 remarkable health benefits of khirni
What's the story
A popular summer fruit in India, khirni is a reddish-yellow colored berry with a single seed enclosed within the outer skin.
Packed with essential nutrients like proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and plant esters, this pulpy fruit can prevent cancer, soothe stomach ulcers, treat microbial skin infections, and boost your immune function.
Here are five amazing health benefits of khirni.
Skin infection
Soothes skin infections
The high content of triterpenoid plant chemicals in khirni works great in treating skin infections.
The strong antimicrobial properties of the berry also soothe various types of skin conditions.
Apply the fruit paste directly on your skin to get instant relief from itching, rashes, and psoriasis.
It also improves your skin texture and makes it soft, supple, and radiant.
Immunity level
Boosts immunity
Loaded with vitamin C, khirni is highly beneficial in improving your body's defense mechanism.
The antioxidant properties of vitamin C help flush out harmful free radicals from the system and improve your strength, stamina, and immunity while elevating your energy levels.
The antimicrobial properties of this fruit shield the body from viruses and bacteria that are responsible for triggering several harmful diseases.
Lung wellness
Improves lung functions
The high amounts of blood-purifying and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients found in khirni fruit and its leaves give it bronchodilator and decongestant properties.
These bioactive compounds help prevents symptoms like blocked nose, congested airways, and wheezing which occur in respiratory conditions like bronchitis and asthma.
Khirni helps loosen the phlegm and surplus mucus trapped in the pulmonary passages and facilitates normal breathing while promoting lung wellness.
Dental health
Heals swollen gums
Khirni is packed with high levels of analgesic which refers to antiseptic, pain-relieving, and antimicrobial properties.
The fruit derivatives of khirni and the latex resin residues from the plant stem naturally heal toothaches and inflamed gums.
You can apply khirni directly on the teeth and gums to alleviate dental disorders like plaque, cavities, gingivitis, tartar, and yellow and stained teeth.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Prevents stomach ulcers
Stomach ulcers are basically painful sores in the lining of the stomach which can lead to serious and life-threatening conditions.
Valuable plant compounds like tannin and saponins in khirni help treat gastrointestinal disorders.
You can have a few khirni slices for breakfast to soothe the tummy, regulate gastric acid volumes, and stimulate protective mucosal secretions by the walls of the stomach.