Lose weight efficiently with these fat-burning aerobic exercises
What's the story
Struggling to fit multiple gym visits into your busy schedule?
Don't worry! You can still get an effective workout at home with aerobic exercises.
Aerobics are suitable for everyone, regardless of age or fitness level.
Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned athlete, these exercises will challenge you and help you burn calories.
Get ready to shed weight faster with these five exercises.
Jumping jacks
Jumping jacks
Stand with feet together, shoulders back, and arms at your sides.
Maintain good posture with the chest and head lifted, and eyes forward.
Bend your knees slightly and jump, spreading your legs apart.
Simultaneously extend arms above the head.
Land softly on midsoles of feet, shoulder-width apart.
Reverse the steps to return to starting position. Repeat the sequence for a complete workout.
High knee
High knee
Stand tall with feet slightly apart, shoulders back, and arms at sides.
Maintain good posture with head up and eyes forward.
Lift right knee as high as comfortable while propelling left arm forward.
Generate momentum similar to running motion.
Softly land on the midsole of the foot as you bring the knee down.
Swiftly switch to the left knee and right arm and repeat.
Start in a squat position, knees bent, feet shoulder-width apart. Keep your back straight and place your hands on the ground.
Kick your feet back to enter the push-up position. Engage your core to maintain a straight back and perform a push-up.
Pull your feet in to starting position, rise up, and jump up to complete the exercise.
Repeat for a full-body workout.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
Bend at the waist, allowing hands to gently touch the ground.
Walk hands forward to form a plank position.
Walk feet towards the head, bringing hips up into an inverted V shape.
Return to an upright position by walking feet back and hands towards the feet.
Repeat the sequence for a dynamic and engaging exercise.
Jumping lunges
Straighten your back and stand with your right leg forward, and left leg back.
Engage the core, lean slightly forward, and lower into a deep lunge, avoiding hitting the knee on the floor.
Jump up and swiftly switch positions with arms and legs.
Land with the forward knee straight and aligned with the foot.
Keep the front foot's heel on the ground for balance.