Jumping rope variations that make workout sessions enjoyable
What's the story
A jump rope is among the most versatile gym and at-home workout equipment that can help you achieve your fitness goals.
While most of us are only familiar with the basic jumps/skips using the rope, many other variations to this exercise can make your sweat sessions more fun.
Today, let's learn a few of them.
Variation 1
Alternate foot jumps
Hold the handles of the jump rope in each hand and stand with your neck and shoulders neutral, with your torso and spine tall.
Now jump on the rope as you normally do and after a gap of time, start jumping with one leg alternatively every time the rope passes through.
This variation is next to jogging, making it a great cardio activity.
Variation 2
This jumping rope variation improves balance, coordination, and the strength of your ankle.
All you have to do is, perform continuous reps of jumps on one foot for half the interval and then with the other.
The leg not in use remains in the air, only a little above the ground.
Keep switching between the legs as desired.
Variation 3
Side to side
This variation could be a bit challenging, so it is usually best suited for individuals with more experience. However, beginners can also try.
To perform this, as the jump rope completes a revolution, execute lateral hops.
You can adjust the pace, but be cautious not to set it excessively fast to avoid tripping or overly slow to prevent any risk of injury.
Variation 4
Double unders
Begin by holding the jump rope from the ends in each hand and placing it behind your heels.
Now brace your core, keep your shoulders down, position your elbows close to your body, and start jumping on the rope as you normally do.
As you do that, flick your wrists fast so that the rope passes under your feet twice before you land.
Variation 5
High knees
Hold the ends of the jump rope in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
Now as you slightly bend your knees, raise your right knee as the rope passes under your left foot.
On the next revolution, raise your left knee as the rope passes under your right foot.
Keep repeating as desired. This exercise is equal to running.