5 simple exercises to get strong, defined obliques
What's the story
Strengthening the oblique muscles is vital for a complete core workout.
These muscles are located on the sides of your abdomen and are important for stabilizing your torso and enhancing overall athletic performance.
By including certain exercises in your routine, you can improve their definition and function.
Here are five effective exercises to target the obliques, each aimed at improving muscle tone and strength.
Twist exercise
Russian twists for core engagement
Russian twists are an excellent exercise to engage the oblique muscles.
Sit on the floor with knees bent, and feet flat.
Lean back slightly while keeping your back straight.
Hold a weight or medicine ball with both hands, then twist your torso to one side, bringing the weight beside you.
Return to center, and twist to the opposite side.
This movement builds rotational strength, enhances muscle definition.
Plank variation
Side planks for stability
Side planks are more about strengthening obliques by challenging your stability and balance.
Start by lying on one side, with your legs extended and stacked over each other.
Prop yourself up on one elbow (ensure it's directly under your shoulder).
Lift your hips off the ground so that your body forms a straight line from head to feet.
Hold the position, engaging core muscles before switching sides.
Crunch exercise
Bicycle crunches for dynamic movement
Bicycle crunches prove effective for targeting both upper abs and obliques with dynamic movement patterns.
Lie flat on your back with hands behind head; lift shoulders off ground as you bring one knee towards chest while extending the opposite leg outward.
Simultaneously twist torso so the opposite elbow meets the raised knee.
Alternate sides continuously without resting between repetitions.
Chopping motion
Woodchoppers for rotational power
Woodchoppers mimic the motion of chopping wood, engaging the entire core, obliques included.
This effectively increases rotational power needed during sports activities (tennis or golf swings, etc.).
Making them an ideal addition to any fitness regimen aiming to improve overall athleticism, along with defining these important abdominal muscles, further enhances appearance, too!
Leg raise variation
Hanging leg raises with twist
Hanging leg raises with a twist give a killer workout, concentrating a lot on the lower abdominals and obliques.
Start by holding a bar overhead tightly, then raise your legs up, bending your knees a little and rotating your hips to left and right at the same time.
Alternating sides with every rep ensures you get the most out of the exercise when done right.