5 easy yoga poses for kids
What's the story
Yoga is not only an essential practice for adults but is also a must for children as it can promote relaxation, better sleep, reduce stress, and increase balance.
Yoga can also improve focus, memory, self-esteem, classroom behavior, and academic performance in kids while reducing symptoms of impulsivity and hyperactivity.
Here are five simple and easy yoga poses for kids.
Promotes relaxation
Sukhasana or easy pose
This easy-to-do pose promotes relaxation, corrects posture, decreases stress, and increases focus.
Sit on the floor with your spine straight and legs stretched out.
Fold your knees with your right foot tucked under the left knee and your left foot under the right knee.
Keep your palms on the knees facing up and look straight.
Breathe slowly and hold for one-five minutes.
Calms the mind
Balasana or child's pose
This simple pose helps to calm your child, releases tension from the body, promotes relaxation, and increases strength and flexibility.
Sit straight on your heels and slowly bend forward, resting your torso between your thighs and your head on the ground.
Stretch out the arms in front of the body and hold this pose for two-three minutes while breathing in and out slowly.
Stimulates creativity
Bhujangasana or cobra pose
This fun pose increases positivity, reduces fatigue, stimulates creativity, corrects posture, and promotes proper blood circulation.
Lie on your stomach and keep your feet close to each other. Bring your hands flat to the ground under your shoulders and elbows close to the body.
Inhale and lift your chest off the floor.
Exhale, hold for around five minutes, and then relax.
Promotes balance
Vrikshasana or tree pose
One of the favorite poses among children, this asana promotes balance, provides sensory input and strengthens muscles in the hips, legs, glutes, and core.
Stand straight and shift the weight into one foot while bringing the other foot to the ankle, thigh, or shin.
Bring the hands together at the chest and look straight. Hold for a minute and repeat on the other side.
Relaxing pose
Savasana or corpse pose
This simple yoga pose can be done at the end of the yoga session. It helps to promote creativity, decreases anxiety, increases focus, and keeps your kids grounded.
Lie down on your back and keep your arms by the sides and legs out in the front of the body. Relax, close your eyes, and breathe normally.
Hold this pose for five minutes.