Give a read to these 5 books to overcome fear
What's the story
Let's help you fear the fear away!
In this age of high exposure to negative news, stress, competition, and diseases, it is only human to feel gripped by fear.
And once it settles down in your belief system, you lose out on multiple opportunities to become a better version of yourself.
Change the narrative with these life-changing books about overcoming fear.
Be vulnerable
'Daring Greatly' by Brené Brown
Written by Brené Brown, this book is for those who count vulnerability as a weakness.
The author, through his words and knowledge, urges readers to instead embrace vulnerability and live a courageous life.
As you read through it, the author shares the reason why you could be fearing vulnerability and how you can possibly overcome that.
Take that leap
'The Big Leap' by Gay Hendricks
Gay Hendricks, through this book, helps you conquer your biggest fears that have been holding you back for ages.
The author reveals that certain fears are fake and that is because we only stay in our minds.
Additionally, the book unravels four barriers that limit us, force us to think negatively about every situation, and stymie our future success.
Goodbye, panic attacks!
'The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook' by Edmund J Bourne
If your deepest fears not only hold you back but even cause anxiety at the slightest thought of them, pick up your reading glasses for this one.
Written by Edmund J Bourne, it features a host of practical exercises, including breathing techniques and herbal remedies to overcome phobias, anxiety, and panic attacks.
The book also helps you skip negative self-talk and mistaken beliefs.
On which subject do you need book recommendations?
Build some self-confidence
'The Confidence Gap' by Russ Harris
If you have ever missed out on a superb opportunity owing to fears, you will relate to all that's shared in this book by Russ Harris.
The author reveals some incredible tips on building self-confidence and overcoming your fears.
He uses a very special technique called "Acceptance and Commitment Therapy" to help you accept your fears and feelings and build a strong value system.
Truths about fear
'Feel the Fear & Do it Anyway' by Susan Jeffers
Ever wondered what would happen if fear became your biggest power? Well, Dr. Susan Jeffers has the answer.
In this book, the author explains five truths about fear and offers you an effective 10-step process for leading your mind into thinking only positively.
All in all, it is a great practical manual that you can swear by.
Check out more such book recommendations.