5 health benefits of cardamom that are backed by science
What's the story
Cardamom is one spice that scores high on both flavor and nutrition.
It is grown in India and is used in many recipes from around the world.
In fact, owing to its multiple health benefits, this green bundle of joy is used in many oils and medicinal substances.
Take a look at its five excellent health benefits that make it a wholesome superfood.
Rich in antioxidants
Lowers blood pressure
In a study conducted on 20 adults with high blood pressure who consumed 3 gm of cardamom daily for 12 weeks, experienced a significant decrease to the normal levels.
The results so obtained were due to the presence of antioxidants in cardamom.
In fact, the antioxidant status of these adults increased by 90% at the end of the study.
Backed by study
Fights cancer
Various studies have shown that cardamom powder can increase the activity of certain enzymes that help fight cancer.
As per research, two mice groups were exposed to skin cancer compounds. Only one group was fed 500 mg cardamom powder.
After 12 weeks, only 29% of the group who ate the cardamom developed cancer.
Studies on humans have also shown similar results.
Bye bye chronic diseases
Fights Inflammation
Since cardamoms are rich in antioxidants, they are helpful in fighting off inflammations.
As per a study conducted on rats, eating cardamom powder reduced liver inflammation, despite eating a diet that was rich in carbohydrates and fats.
Another study found out that cardamom extracts in doses of 50 to 100 mg per kg of body weight inhibited at least four inflammatory compounds in rats.
For healthy gut
Helps with digestive issues
Cardamom has been used for a thousand years to reduce nausea and vomiting.
However, the most researched health benefit of cardamom has been its ability to treat stomach ulcers.
In a study, rats were given extracts of cardamom, turmeric, and sembung before they were fed with aspirin that causes stomach ulcers.
Surprisingly, rats developed fewer ulcers compared to rats that only received aspirin.
Treats bad breath
Cardamom for treating bad breath and other dental problems has been in practice for more than a thousand years.
In fact, in many countries, people pop in a cardamom pod after every meal to freshen up their breath.
As per research, they are helpful in fighting off five kinds of mouth bacteria that cause dental cavities.
It also reduces bacteria in saliva by 54%