#HealthBytes: What to do if your condom breaks
What's the story
Although quite rarely, condoms do break.
A condom may break during intercourse or other sexual activity, if it's not worn correctly; has surpassed the expiration date; is not your size, or is used with an oil-based lubricant.
Dangerously enough, broken condoms may lead to unwanted pregnancy, or transmission of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).
Here's what you should do if the condom you're using, breaks.
Get rid of it
Don't panic, and find out the condom
If unfortunately, your condom breaks during the act, don't start weeping right away. Calm down, and refrain from thinking about STIs and pregnancy already.
First thing you want to do is look for the condom, as sometimes, whole or part of it might get wedged inside the body. So, find it and get it out, to avoid risk of irritation and infection.
Time to worry about unwanted pregnancy
If you were not using any other contraceptive apart from the condom (that broke), you might end up getting pregnant.
However, it can be dealt with if you opt for a Birth Control Pill, within 72 hours (and preferably as early as possible).
A IUD device can also be used as emergency contraception, but for that, you'll have to see your doctor.
STI Test
Get tested for STIs
A broken condom can be as dangerous as using no condom in the first place.
This implies, you might end up catching STIs, especially if you aren't sure of your partner's STI status.
So, make sure to get tested for STIs (including HIV) after about 2 weeks of the incident, to see whether or not you are infected.
How to stay safe the next time?
In order to avoid such slip-ups in the future, find out and analyze the reason why your condom broke. If your lubricant is not condom-friendly, replace it. If your packets have expired, throw them. Additionally, learning how to wear a condom correctly is vital.