#HealthBytes: Why should India worry about Type-2 Diabetes?
What's the story
Though still relatively rare, the menace of Type-2 Diabetes is growing considerably among teenagers and young adults.
The rise has been greater in the recent times, mainly owing to changing lifestyles and dietary habits of the young.
Read on to know more about the symptoms and how you can tackle the disease, if affected.
The Diabetes epidemic in the country
According to medical health experts, India, in the coming seven years or so, will reach the mark of 120 million cases of Type-2 Diabetes. That will account to about 10% of its total population, making it one of the worst diabetes-affected nations in the world.
Risk Factors
What puts you at a greater risk of developing diabetes?
Obesity is the biggest determining risk factor. A sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy dietary choices, and lack of physical exercise all promote obesity.
Additionally, if you're from a family which has a history of diabetes, chances are that you're at greater risk than members from non-diabetic families.
Statistics also say that people from the South Asian lineage are at a greater risk than any other ethnicity.
How to know if you have Type-2 Diabetes
High blood sugar levels are a straightaway indication that you might have developed Type-2 Diabetes.
Common symptoms include increased hunger/thirst, fatigue, a need to urinate more frequently, and darkening of certain skin areas like the armpits or the neck.
If one or more of these symptoms show up, it is advisable to see your doctor as soon as possible.
There's no cure, but you can reduce severity
Though technically, there isn't a cure for Type-2 Diabetes, but there are ways to reduce severity.
A healthy lifestyle and good diet choices can prove to be a boon for all Type-2 Diabetics, irrespective of their age. It's advisable to engage in regular physical activity, and have a balanced and nutritious diet.
Giving up a sedentary lifestyle, to the extent possible, also helps.
Diet Tips
Healthy diet is the key to Type-2 Diabetes management
Taking your meals at regular intervals is generally advised - avoid unhealthy snacking habits, and instead have a schedule for eating.
Intake of green vegetables and a good variety of fruits is also generally advisable, but do avoid sugary fruits.
Give up junk and fried food. Also, refrain from having food containing artificial sweeteners and preservatives.