UPSC: Transfer and Posting policy for IAS officers
What's the story
Becoming a civil servant is one of the most sought-after, respected and challenging career choices in India.
The respect, power and pay-checks that come with the job are enormous. However, the work is highly demanding and the work conditions aren't always favorable.
The officers are often subject to transfers through their work tenure.
Here's the Transfer and Posting policy for IAS officers.
Transfer rules for IAS officers
The allocation of cadre officers to the various cadres is made by the Central Government, in consultation with the State Government(s) concerned.
And in a quite similar fashion, the Central Government, in consultation with the concerned State Government(s) may transfer a cadre officer from one cadre to another.
However, exceptions in cadre transfers are made in case of marriage, hardships, health and other reasons.
Rules (1)
Rules for Inter-state cadre transfer of officers
Inter-cadre transfers are allowed for members of All India Service officers on marriage to another member of an All India Service, wherein the officers concerned have sought a change.
In rarest of rare cases, inter-cadre transfer is also permitted on account of 'extreme hardships.'
The inter-cadre transfer is not permitted to the home state of the officer.
Rules (2)
Transfer of cadre officers on account of marriage
In case of Inter-cadre transfer due to marriage, efforts should be made in the first place to ensure that the cadre of one officer accepts his or her spouse.
Only in instances where both states have refused to accept the other spouse, will the officers be considered for transfer by the Government of India to a third cadre.
Rules (3)
Transfer in case of marriage and threat/health issues
The inter-cadre transfer is not allowed to All India Service officers for marriage to an officer serving in a Central Service/State Service/Public Sector Undertaking/any other organization.
In cases of request on grounds of threat or health, the Central Government will have the genuineness of the request assessed by an Independent Central agency or by a group of at least two independent experts.
Rules about posting and minimum tenure of IAS officers
In case of a State cadre, all appointments to the cadre posts are done by the concerned State Government.
A cadre officer can hold the minimum prescribed tenure, except in the event of promotion, retirement, deputation outside the State or training exceeding two months.
A cadre officer may be transferred before the minimum tenure only on the recommendation of a Committee on Minimum Tenure.