#HealthBytes: 8 food items that are boon to your eyesight
What's the story
Maintaining good eye health is crucial for having unobstructed, clear vision in the long run.
However, given the unhealthy environment surrounding us, our increasingly fast-paced lifestyles, and bad eating habits we've developed, our eyes remain at a significant risk.
Rest assured, a healthy lifestyle and good diet habits can help us maintain healthy eyesight.
Here are 8 food items to help improve your eyesight.
Fatty fish, citrus fruits, and leafy greens
Fish: Fatty fishes like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which by treating eye dryness, help contribute to improving eyesight.
Citrus fruits: Vitamin-C rich citrus fruits such as lemon, oranges and grapefruits are known to help fight age-linked eye-damage.
Leafy-greens: Packed with lutein and zeaxanthin, and Vitamin C, dark leafy greens like kale, spinach and collards improve long-term eyesight.
Nuts and Eggs
Nuts: Rich in Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E, nuts are great for repairing age-related damage to the eyes. So, munch on walnuts, peanuts and cashews to experience considerably enhanced eye health and eyesight.
Eggs: Rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, and essential nutrients like Vitamins C, E, and zinc, eggs help reduce age-related vision loss.
Sweet potatoes, carrots, and water
Sweet potatoes: Sweet potatoes being rich in beta carotene and antioxidant Vitamin E, are also, quite like carrots, great for giving your eye health a considerable boost.
Carrots: Loaded with the goodness of Vitamin A and beta carotene, carrots are a fine choice for improving eye health.
Water: Drinking plenty of water helps prevent dehydration, thus reduce symptoms of dry eyes.
Handy tips to score naturally good eyesight
1) Eat a healthy diet, especially one that's rich in vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids, 2) Regularly perform eye exercises, 3) Take regular breaks from your computer screen, 4) Use protective eye-gear like sunglasses, 5) Get rid of unhealthy lifestyle habits like smoking.