5 tips to learn social science in interesting manner
What's the story
Social science is often considered a difficult subject to score marks. While some students find it boring, many dread the subject due to the vast syllabus.
But it is important to understand that social science is important. Also, it can be interesting, if students understand the subject and relate it to real life.
Here are five useful tips to make learning social science interesting.
First, understand what it is about; know importance
Social science provides students with knowledge about their country and the world too.
It has four sub-subjects: geography, history, civics, and economics. While geography teaches about landscapes, places, mineral wealth, climatic conditions, etc., history is about various civilizations, kings, kingdoms, wars, freedom struggles, etc.
Civics deals with functions of the government, the Indian Constitution, and rights/duties, while Economics is about growth, income, GDP, etc.
#2: To develop interest, connect with subject
For students, it is important to discover the value of social science, delve deeper, and connect with it to overcome boredom. It is essential to understand the importance of the subject to develop interest; it will especially help those students interested in the civil services.
Make use of technology and internet to learn
Students can make use of technology and the internet to learn social science in an interesting way.
They can watch videos on the lessons they learn about geography, history, civics, and economics. Students can also search for more information online for better understanding.
There are many websites and apps that offer many educational resources, quizzes, fun games, etc., to make learning social sciences fun.
Students can try studying in groups
To make social science interesting, students can also try learning or studying in a group. This will not only help them enhance their learning experience but also make it fun.
They can interact with friends, discuss points, and quiz each other. They can also teach or explain things to their friends to help them; this will also help students understand and retain information better.
#5: Make interesting charts, prepare bullet-point notes
Students can make learning social science fun by preparing charts/posters for important events, facts and figures, important dates, definitions, data, etc. They can practice map questions in their free time and also prepare bullet point notes chapter-wise, which they can read on the go.