#CareerBytes: Tips to manage time while preparing for UPSC exam
What's the story
The Indian Civil Services exam, commonly referred to as the IAS exam, is conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) each year.
The exam is considered one of the toughest in India, but with thorough preparation and strong determination, one can crack it.
Here are helpful tips to manage time while preparing for the UPSC exam.
Goal setting
Set long and short term goals
Just going about your studies without any plan won't help.
In order to cover the vast and extensive syllabus of UPSC Civil Services exam, first thing you'll need is good planning.
Thus, it is advisable to break down the whole syllabus into smaller, realistic and achievable sets.
Then prepare a long-term (say, 3-4 months) and a short-term (say, weekly) goal set.
Prepare a daily timetable and stick to it
In addition to the long-term and short-term goals, you'll have to plan out each of your preparation days to actually bring your on-paper planning into effect. So, prepare a realistic, achievable and balanced timetable, and make sure to stick to it.
Revision & Relaxation
Make time for Revision and Relaxation
Revision: After every couple of weeks (and months, for that matter) of study, you should make some time for revision. This will help you analyze your preparation and also to retain what you've learnt so far.
Relaxation: It is advisable to take power-nap breaks from time to time, during your studies. Also, indulge in relaxing activities like meditation, walking, biking, Yoga etc. everyday.
Do take care of your health
Don't just go about studying mindlessly- taking care of your health is important. So, do get your daily dose of 7-8 hours of quality sleep; eat healthily and drink plenty of water. Perform stress-reducing activities like meditation and Yoga to calm down your mind.