#HealthBytes: Top 5 at-home exercises to score six-pack abs
What's the story
Building six-pack abs doesn't mean hitting the gym and sweating till you make it.
It's a long-term and comprehensive process, in the sense that it requires workout, in harmony with a good diet.
Further, one needs to be utterly determined and patient to get those shiny washboard abs.
Here are top 5 at-home exercises to help you get jaw-dropping six-pack abs.
Sit ups
Start by lying flat on a floor mat, facing upward. Bend your knees at a 45 degree angle.
Put your arms behind your head for support.
Now, using your abdominal muscles, move your head toward your knees, almost reaching a sitting position, then bring yourself back to the initial position.
Perform 15-20 repetitions or up to the point of failure.
Leg Raises
Start by lying flat on your back with your legs straightened in front of you.
Place your hands at your sides for support.
Next, using your lower abdominal, raise your legs until they are perpendicular to the floor.
Slowly return your legs to the start position.
Make sure to maintain muscle tension in legs throughout the movement.
Perform 15-20 reps or up to failure.
Start by sitting on the floor, or a chair/exercise bench, with your legs extended in front of you. Place your hands on each side for support.
Keeping your knees together, pull them back toward your chest as far as possible.
Finally, maintaining tension on lower abs, return to the beginning position.
Perform 15-20 reps or up to the point of failure.
Start by lying flat on your back on the floor, with your legs bent at the knees.
Place your hands by your chest.
Now, without raising your lower back, raise your shoulders in a curling movement toward your knees, as far as possible.
Retaining tension on the abs, return back to the initial position.
Repeat for a few minutes, and then relax.
With your legs straightened in front of you, and your hands by your sides, lie down on your back on the floor.
Lift your legs up as high as possible. Now, lift your shoulders and both arms and try to reach your hands toward your toes.
Return to the initial position.
Perform 15-20 reps or up to the point of failure.