Health Bytes: Never have these food items together!
What's the story
Needless to say, your food choices determine your physical and mental health, in the long run.
More often than not, we develop certain food habits and just can't get over them.
Sure, some food items complement each other really well, both taste and health-wise, but certain other combinations are downright dangerous for health.
Here are some food items you should never eat together.
Cheese and meat; Fruit and yogurt
Cheese and meat: Protein is not an easy nutrient to digest. Thus, by eating cheese and meat together (both of which are loaded with protein), you are only burdening your digestive system and inviting risk of digestive issues.
Fruit and yogurt: When the bacteria present in yogurt mix with the sugar in fruits, it could lead to cold, congestion, and allergy-like symptoms.
Bread and jam; Alcohol and energy drink
Bread and jam: Good old bread-jam is not a healthy food combination, as the mixing of carbs and sugar could lead to a hike in blood sugar levels. Furthermore, it may also leave you feeling fatigued.
Alcohol and energy drink: You may not bother about it when you're drunk, but taking alcohol and energy drinks together might mess up with your liver.
Pizza and soda; Burger and fries
Pizza and soda: Our body needs a great deal of time and energy to digest pizza because of the presence of starch and protein. Further, if you go for a carbonated/soft drink, the sugar in it will slow down the digestion.
Burger and fries: Quit on those 'mandatory' fries with burger, as both are loaded with trans-fat, which may lead to cholesterol problems.