Gujarat board textbook blooper: Sita was "abducted" by Rama
What's the story
A paragraph in Class XII Sanskrit textbook of the Gujarat board seems to have got some basic facts wrong about Ramayana as it reads, "There is a very heart-touching description of the message conveyed by Laxman to Ram when Sita was 'abducted' by Rama."
As the blooper came to light, the Gujarat State School Textbook Board (GSSTB) today described it as a translation error.
Poor proof-reading?
"Tyag" has been translated to "abducted" instead of "abandoned"
GSSTB executive president Nitin Pethani claimed that the word 'tyag' has been translated and printed as "abducted" instead of "abandoned" by those who were given the task of translation and proof-reading.
"It should have been printed as 'when Sita was abandoned by Lord Rama,'" he said.
He added that they will conduct an inquiry and will blacklist the contractors responsible for translation and proof-reading.