Shubham Kumar, civil services topper, scores 52.04% in UPSC exam
What's the story
Shubham Kumar topped the civil services examination 2020 with 52.04% marks, and second rank holder Jagrati Awasthi scored 51.95% in the prestigious test conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to select the country's civil servants.
A total of 761 candidates-- 545 men and 216 women have cleared the examination, results of which were announced by the commission last Friday.
Civil services examination is conducted in three stages
The civil services examination is conducted by the UPSC in three stages-- preliminary, main, and interview to select officers for the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), the Indian Foreign Service (IFS), and the Indian Police Service (IPS) among others.
Preliminary exam
Preliminary examination consists of two papers of 400 marks
The preliminary examination consists of two papers of objective type (multiple choice) questions and carries a maximum of 400 marks.
This stage is meant to serve as a screening test only, and the marks obtained in it by the candidates to qualify for admission to the main examination, are not counted for determining their final order of merit.
UPSC marks
Kumar scored 1,054 out of 2,025 marks
The merit is determined out of the total of 2,025 marks-- the written or main exam is of 1,750 marks and the interview is of 275.
Kumar got a total of 1,054 marks-- 878 in the written and 176 in the personality test (or interview), according to UPSC data.
Awasthi scored 1,052- 859 in written and 193 in the interview.
Here is how third, fourth and fifth rank holders performed
Third rank holder Ankita Jain scored 1,051 (839 in written test and 212 in interview). Fourth rank holder Yash Jaluka scored 1,046 (851 in written test and 195 in interview).
Mamta Yadav was awarded the fifth rank with a total of 1,042 marks-- 855 in written and 187 in the interview.
The civil services (preliminary) examination 2020 was conducted on October 4 last year.
Total 2,053 candidates qualified for the interview
As many as 10,40,060 candidates applied for the examination, out of whom 4,82,770 had appeared in it. Of these, 10,564 candidates qualified for appearance in the main examination which was held in January 2021. A total of 2,053 candidates qualified for the personality test (interview).
Out of 761 recommended candidates 25 are physically impaired
The 761 recommended candidates include 25 persons with benchmark disability -- seven are orthopedically handicapped, four are visually challenged, 10 are hearing impaired, and four with multiple disabilities.
Of the successful candidates, 263 are of general category, 86 from the economically weaker section (EWS), 220 of Other Backward Classes (OBC), 122 of Scheduled Castes (SC) and 61 belong to the Scheduled Tribes category.