Second allotment list released for JEE Advanced, Main admissions
What's the story
The second list of seat allotment, for the candidates who had registered for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Advanced and Main counselling, was released by the Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) yesterday.
The list is available on JoSAA's official website and the selected candidates will have to go through seat acceptance process and document verification.
Notably, the first round had begun on June 27.
Candidates can download provisional allotment letter from the official website
In order to check the second allotment list, the candidates who had registered for the counselling can follow these steps:
1- Visit JoSAA's official website, josaa.nic.in
2- Click on 'View Seat Allotment Result Round 2' tab.
3- Log in using your JEE-Main 2019 application number and password.
4- Check the seat allotment result.
5- Download provisional allotment letter from the website for further process.
Seats to be confirmed after document verification and fee payment
All the candidates who will opt for the allocated seats in the second list will have to pay "seat acceptance fee" online via the e-challan issued along with their allotment letters.
Further, the candidates will have to carry their original documents for verification at the assigned centers.
Please note that the verification process is scheduled for July 4 and July 5.
Here is the list of documents required for verification process
Moreover, all the candidates must carry the following documents for verification process:
1- Photo ID card
2- Allotment letter
3- Class X and XII mark sheets
4- Date of Birth proof
5- JEE Main admit card
6- Category certificate (if applicable)
7- Medical fitness certificate
8- Three latest passport size photographs
9- Income proof in case of Economically Weaker Section (EWS) reservation.
Next list
JoSAA will release seat availability status, third list on July-6
In case a candidate wishes to accept the seat allocated in the second round and leave the one received in the first round, he/she has to cancel the previously allocated seat first.
Once the process for the second allotment list is done, JoSAA will release seat availability status.
In case of vacant seats, the next allotment list will be released on July 6.
Registrations for the counselling had closed on June 25
Meanwhile, the registration process for the counselling had closed on June 25. While the candidates who had cleared JEE-Advanced were eligible to register for IITs, those with JEE-Main score can go for other top listed colleges, including NITs, IIESTs, IIITs and other government-funded institutes.
JoSAA's holding seat allocation for 107 institutes including IITs, NITs
JoSAA was established by the Ministry of Human Resources Development in 2018 to "manage and regulate seat allocation for admissions " at a number of colleges across India, including IITs and NITs.
This academic year (2019-20), JoSAA will be regulating the seat allocation process for 107 institutes including 23 IITs, 31 NITs, 25 IIITs and 28 Other-Government Funded Technical Institutes (Other-GFTIs).