It's never too late! Rajya Sabha is finally Wi-Fi enabled
What's the story
The Rajya Sabha is now Wi-Fi enabled, offering lawmakers of the Upper House access to the Internet for browsing government and Parliament websites.
Present rules allow MPs to carry mobile phones, laptops, and tabs inside the Rajya Sabha chamber which were not connected to the Parliament Wi-Fi.
Parliament Wi-Fi was available to members in lobbies and other parts of the Parliament House complex.
There were demands for Wi-Fi connectivity inside RS chamber: Naidu
When the House met for the day, Chairman Venkaiah Naidu said there have been demands from members to allow Wi-Fi connectivity inside the chamber.
"The Rajya Sabha chamber is now Wi-Fi enabled," he said.
The Wi-Fi, he said, can be used to browse only government websites including those of the Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha on any mobile, laptop, or tab inside the House.
Parliament Wi-Fi username, password to work in Rajya Sabha House
The username and password provided to members for accessing Parliament Wi-Fi in lobbies in other parts of the complex would run in the Rajya Sabha chamber as well. Parliament Wi-Fi can be used to access any website in the lobby or Parliament House complex.