Now, railway passengers can rate cleanliness of trains and stations
What's the story
Railway passengers will now be able to rate cleanliness standards in trains and stations which will directly impact payment of contractors with low scores, said Indian Railways in a new contract drawn up for such services.
According to the contract, 30% of a contractor's monthly penalties and incentives will depend on an overall score from passengers regarding cleanliness levels being maintained by them.
Penalty and incentive
Computation of the contractor's monthly payments as per new rules
The attendance record of janitors which has to be submitted to the railway supervisor every month will carry 25% weightage, while cleanliness record will carry 15% weightage.
The use of type and quantity of consumables, linen distribution, minor maintenance and result of surprise visits by officials carry 10 percent weight each, passenger feedback and complaints carry the maximum weightage of 30%.
Indian Railways on the contractor's penalty and incentive
"The score from each section will be compiled and weighed. Using the same the final score will be computed for the contractor every month. Based on this score, every month the contractor's penalty and incentive can be found," the national transporter stated.
Passengers' feedback
Feedback of passengers will be recorded on GPS-based system
Officials said that since the standards of cleanliness directly affect passengers' onboard experience, it was imperative to include them in the process.
"Also, when passengers themselves are monitoring the cleanliness levels, we will get a true picture of the situation onboard," said a senior official.
The feedback of passengers will be recorded on a GPS-based system leaving no room for error, officials said.
Cleanliness, a major source of grievance of railway passengers
Cleanliness has in fact been a major source of grievance of passengers and the highest number of such complaints are received from passengers regarding the same.
"If our feedback directly affects those who are in charge of the services, then they will be forced to perform to ensure they get good scores. The standards will definitely get better," said Santosh Sinha, a frequent traveler.
Cleanliness in trains are mostly on contract
On-Board Housekeeping Staff (OBHS) entrusted with maintaining cleanliness in trains are mostly on contract; this service is now available on more than 1,700 trains. The service includes scheduled cleaning of coaches twice a day and cleaning at any time when a passenger sends a request.